

The Science Center of Iowa engages and inspires Iowans along their journey of lifelong science learning.

Thank you for your interest in joining our dedicated, enthusiastic staff!

Use the filters below to view full-time, part-time, event, internship and preschool positions. Once you have identified a position to apply for:

For more information, contact scihr@sciowa.org.


  • Substitute Preschool Teacher

    Classification: Hourly, Non-exempt
    Department: Preschool
    Reports To: Preschool Director

    Position Overview:

    This position is responsible for assisting the development and implementation of the Science Center of Iowa Preschool program.


    • Assist with classroom activities
    • Prepare and maintain classroom for daily use
    • Meet with classroom teacher to prepare materials for daily use
    • Communicate daily with parents on any discipline problems that might arise
    • Meet with Preschool staff once a month for planning and activities of the ensuing month
    • Attend and assist with all parent/preschooler special events during the school year, if desired
    • Create and design classroom games and materials


    • Maintain current first aid, universal precautions, CPR and mandatory peporter credentials
    • Pass a physical examination and TB every two years
    • Excellent teaching and communication skills
    • Love of children
    • A desire to work with and teach preschoolers
    • Inexhaustible patience
    • Must enjoy working as part of the Science Center of Iowa team
    • Must be able to pass background checks and DCI fingerprinting

    Working Hours:

    Varied hours; needs to be available during normal school hours Monday through Friday 7:15 am–5:30 pm.

    To Apply

    Email your resume and completed application materials to scihr@sciowa.org.

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