See science come to life with SCI's live programs, included with every school visit!
SCI's programming supports the Iowa Core and National Science Standards and is accurate, relevant and fun! The Science Learning Team is experienced in best practices for interactive, inquiry-based learning to provide your students with quality education and enhance critical thinking skills.
Every school visit includes access to a live program of your choice!
Live Programs
- Chemistry Clues (Grades 2–9) — Investigate the clues chemists use with explosive experiments!
- Cold-Blooded Critters (Grades Pre-K–6) — Discover fascinating facts about some of our resident reptiles and amphibians and get up-close to touch these cold-blooded creatures! Reinforces Next Generation Science Standards: Life Sciences and Earth and Space Sciences. For Pre-K: GOLD and Iowa Early Learning Standards.
- Deep Freeze (Grades 2–6) — Get chills and thrills from dry ice and liquid nitrogen!
- Fire Works (Grades 2–8) — From things that glow to things that explode, this program is a real blast!
- Meet Stuffee (Grades Pre-K–2) — Our large, soft sculpture doll makes health and nutrition come to life. From the stomach and esophagus to the heart and lungs, you can see, touch and feel the fascinating fabric of the human anatomy. Reinforces Next Generation Science Standards: Life Sciences and Earth and Space Sciences. Fore Pre-K: GOLD and Iowa Early Learning Standards.
- Meet Stuffee: Germs Edition (Grades Pre-K–4) — Diagnose why our large, soft sculpture doll isn't feeling well by investigating the world of germs. Reinforces Next Generation Science Standards: Life Sciences and Earth and Space Sciences. For Pre-K: GOLD and Iowa Early Learning Standards.
- Zap (Grades 3–12) — Explore the world of electrons and electricity with demonstrations using a Van de Graaff generator and Tesla Coil. This hair-raising experience will really give you a charge! Reinforces Next Generation Science Standards: Physical Sciences.
Star Theater Planetarium Shows
- Black Holes (Grades 5–12) — Experience one of the most mysterious - and misunderstood - wonders of the universe. Sponsored by NASA. Reinforces Next Generation Science Standards: Physical Sciences and Earth and Space Sciences.
- Flight Adventures (Grades 2–6) — Dreams of flying, model aircraft and a young girl and her grandfather come together in this multimedia planetarium show about the science of aeronautics! Reinforces Physical Sciences and Engineering, Technology and Application of Science.
- Iowa Skies Tonight (Grades 3–12) — Introduce your students to the wonders of the night sky. Explore constellations, learn how the ancient Greeks imagined characters from their mythologies in the stars and discover some of our neighbors in the Solar System. Reinforces Next Generation Science Standards: Physical Sciences and Earth and Space Sciences.
- Phantom of the Universe (Grades 5–12) — This show reveals dark matter's earliest clues, covering the astral choreography of galactic orbits as well as sensitive detectors hidden deep underground in ancient gold mines. Narrated by Tilda Swinton.
- Seven Wonders (Grades 5–12) — Tour the Seven Wonders of the World as well as some of the greatest wonders of our universe and beyond! Reinforces Next Generation Science Standards: Physical Sciences and Earth and Space Sciences. Iowa CORE Social Studies Standards.
- Solar Odyssey (Grades 1–9) — Help guide a breathtaking journey through our solar system, exploring the unique features, mysteries, and wonders of its most important celestial bodies.
- Two Small Pieces of Glass (Grades 2–6) — Go on an adventure through history to learn about the creation of the telescope and the discoveries this invention has helped humanity make! Reinforces Next Generation Science Standards: Physical Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences and Engineering, Technology and Application of Science.
- The Zula Patrol: Under the Weather (Grades Pre-K–3) — When weather is stolen from the Solar System planets, the alien members of The Zula Patrol come to the rescue in this colorful planetarium show. Sponsored by NASA and Variety Club. Reinforces Next Generation Science Standards: Earth and Space Sciences. For Pre-K: GOLD and Iowa Early Learning Standards.